1st hr Alg: finished openers & turned in the opener sheet, finished the 1.3 foldable, did 1.3 practice examples for notes, HW - 1.3 practice ws

2nd hr Alg: finished openers & turned in the opener sheet, went over the the P.13 handout (#15-35 odd, 36, 38, 45, 47, 51, 53, 61), made the 1.3 foldables, HW - finish the foldables if not done!

5th hr Alg: finished openers & turned in the opener sheet, went over the the P.13 handout (#15-35 odd, 36, 38, 45, 47, 51, 53, 61) including doing #36 & 38 together, HW - do the 1.3 foldables

6th & 7th hr Enr Alg: started the 1.5 notes packet, didn't finish, so NO HOMEWORK :) 

8th hr POE: should be doing activity 1.1.2 for homework - it's due TOMORROW!

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